De Beaulieu Augustin ( 1589 - 1637) is a French century general of ke-17, what in the year 1619 assigned to lead a armed expedition to Indies East consist of three ship ( 275 kru, 106 cannon) and referred " Armada of Montmorency "
Armada of visiting Acheh, a conducive experience Beaulieu to write one other best Account Acheh in the early of century of ke-17. Beaulieu come in contact with Sultan of Iskander Young ( 1607-36) to obtain;get commerce permit and agreement to found factory.
Arrival of Agustine Beaulieu de to Acheh greeted very either by governance of Acheh, proven in the article of Beaulieu greeted good with extraordinary expectation by Acheh with idiosyncrasy like wall which was floor and dihiasai which was unfolding carpet of Turki, and a number of 30 women with decorative silver batil beautiful jewel stone, which entertain you of Beaulieu. Is later;then continued by show of artistry. Come up lah 15 girl with last small drum came up also 2 pretty girl very menabjubkan because beautiful once, husk of halius, not suspecting country as hot as that meeting beautiful girl as white as month;moon. Clothes chief of village of weaving gold, Beaulieu really see him. This also prove that people of aceh very esteem guest.
Beaulieu giving many presentses to Sultan, with bingkisan which have never Acheh. Although first day arrival of to Acheh not yet, been accepted direct by king. Because at that moment king are pain, new after read of King letter of Prancis audiensi executed.
Beaulieu narrating many that residents many which have read and count/calculate. They are devotee of art, cleaner of this matter seen from clothes and household him. Later;Then worker are Achenese talent. Blacksmith, making ship isn't it membership which is very amaze. Beaulieu also narrate that Sultan of Iskandar Young have formed Acheh people kaarakter become best soldier d archipelago of nusantara.
all important matter in kekautan of sultan of dalah armed forces Sea which consist of battleships of infinitude lands, line of ivanteri afirmed by elephant army and 3 pelapuhan of Energy aceh and of Pedir.
Bealiu write down that battleship ship far bigger than made by battleship ship European people epoch, that is with length 12o foot/feet, this kappal is very heavy and beautiful, ad for and high and there are biliki-bilik and also oars very pannjang but light, people of aceh very make ship.
that Ship ship is taken care of by special people in it load until 800 army by 900 elephant tail . this elephant can boost up the foot/feet of thrice contemporaneously in honour of Sultan. That have isn't it people of aceh very in the case of crafting/ diligence and worker.
Beaulieau also write down concerning people of aceh which is " king more than the infinite" with the meaning people of aceh that more major king than the infinite because eager to face morning sultan to libel others before he is libeled others. Though he/she not yet of course will be libeled by others.
Beaulieu also mention concerning jurisdiction of Acheh which if a criminal arrested he cannot run again and surrenderness brought forwards penalization and judge for kejahan is cane. If cane have hence finishing his penalization lah. He/She also write down judge accepting ransom to penalization. This matter designate that hokum can payee with money. Become for easy plutocrat to redeem penalization while pauper more serve time cane.
Admiral of Agustien possible Beaulieu de fail of opportunity trade denganAceh, as English, time he/she tour there as French king courier. On that account, not surprise if reading the composition of there are flavours forerunner of dislike searched for badness of his article subyek. Begitupun of his report, can be obtained the image of situation of Acheh during the period.
before i go Belanda,, njoe sedikit banyak loen peutrang ttg si Beaulieu, data lgkp djih gohlom loen temukan,, maybe,,, when i go Holand i'll write more ^_^
Assalamu'alaikum...... Saboeh langkah dari uloen tuan munuju mimpi.. lewat kata loen meurangkai, semoga langakah sabe lam berkah..
About Me
- Maulidar Yusuf Atjeh
- Mencoba menjelajah dunia melalui mimpi... saya adalah saya,, dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihan.. lewat mimpi saya mencoba merajut asa,, entah,, saya terhadap semua yang saya dapat.. kerna semua maya.. tak pasti.. tak nyata... hanya saja saya punya satu keyakinan.. yaitu, apapun yang telah terjadi hari ini,, belum tentu tak berarti, walaupun tak penting... yah,,, walaupun sering bgt aq terbang tapi jatuh lagi,, ehmm,tapi aq selalu berfikir.. kalo jatuh, yaa,, bangun lagi, trs terbang lagi, jth lagi?? yaudah bangun lagi.. eeee jatuh lagi?? istirahat dulu sebentar,, ^_^ terbang lagi... i'll get it!!
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