
School Bullying: Save Our Children, Save Our Generation

Written by: Maulidar Yusuf, SID 230919091

Although the red coals at the crease crossed your mind, if emotions are heating your scalp, not even the violence that you give to the helpless child, child abuse is often accompanied by emotional refuge in the name of educating the child discipline SAVE OUR CHILDREN (dr Widodo Judarwanto SpA).

From that quotations this journal will be started, as a prospective teacher I just realized how many problems in this world are concerned about the violence, including violence against children in the world of education. We know that no one wanted the violence to happen. Against anyone, including children.

According to Jack D. Douglas and Frances Chalut Waksler, the term force is used to describe the behavior, either openly (overt) or closed (covert), and whether they are attacking (offensive) and last (defensive), which accompanied the use of force to another person. Therefore one of the acts of violence that often occurs in the world of education is the act of school bullying. In the case of school bullying, violence is not only done by teachers, but also friends. Violence in children but never seemed to escape from everyday life-threatening child survival. Violence in children is mostly done precisely by the people closest to them, especially parents, caregivers, friends, and school teachers. An online survey of 299 people who made "Korando" states, A large respondents or 55.18% (165 people) said it is still often seen and experienced violence against children or teenagers who do parents and teachers. While 74 people, or approximately 24.75% said sometimes and 60 people or 20:07% said rarely

A summary of research on "Conditions and Triggers Violence in Education" written by Drs. Abd. Assegaf Rachman, M. Ag, is Lecturer IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Rewritten by M. Khoirul Muqtafa. Supported by the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the framework of Competitive Research conducted by the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia Year 2002. Stating that need to be reviewed in advance the state of education today, namely the internal conditions and external conditions. Internal conditions are internal factors which directly influence the behavior of the student / students and educators, including violent behavior. While external conditions is the condition of non-education which is an indirect factor for the onset of the potential for violence in education

About the violence I have some facts that occurred in a junior high school in Banda Aceh, a gym teacher who was too often punish students because it is not carrying gym clothes, often the teacher is using the hard object to punish students. The other case, an elementary school student who often get the scorn of his teacher who has a weakness in the exact subject, the violence is violence also gained an inner, a pressure in the form of words. Apart from teachers, bullying is also done by fellow students, such as seniority that occurs when the beginning of school, it can occur in the form of hazing or a play of competing groups, in large measure we can find examples of bullying in the fighting between students.

From the above facts could I conclude, there are many things behind the acts the violence against children. The first: frequent the violence against students who do not follow the rules, as usual any violation would get a penalty. However, a lot of penalties obtained outside of the ordinary, this is where the birth act of the violence Second: the imposition of generality ability of students, so the student can not capture the whole matter. Pupils forced to something that does not like or even beyond the limits of his ability, it is not rarely make fear, despair, mental castration. The third: students accustomed to the spectacle the violence, until they do the violence to vent their emotions.

Than there are two main factors of school bullying action, the first factor in the family and environmental education. Later in the education process in schools. Violence is often the case not only physically, but also sexual, psychological, and neglect. If the child is always in a the violence environment, there will be two possible characters are formed. The first character, his soul will try to practice the violence which he obtained, the result will often occur new violence. The second possibility of personal distress, mider, and confidence that allows children who are less desperate and did not develop. School bullying is clear that the action is very detrimental to childhood development This violence can not continue to occur. There are many steps that can be done by educators to address this violence.

First of all an educator must understand the meaning of bullying. This understanding is not just the literal meaning only, but the application, the awareness will happen if a clear understanding. This understanding must occur between the two sides. Teachers and parents, as the most important part in the educational process both these elements have to understand the meaning of bullying and the effects of bullying. Furthermore, for students. Students, understanding for the pupils may be given when a school lesson, for example: in the subjects of language, teach students with language that is not mutually flout fellow, and understanding the dangers of violence in any form we can use some of the to overcome the bias action of this school bullying.

As the concept applying Humanizing of the classroom is coined by John P. Miller focused on the development model of "affective education". Educational model is based on three things: recognize ourselves as a growth process which is and will continue to change, recognize the self-concept and identity, and integrating the awareness heart and mind. Changes made are not limited to any material substance, but more importantly on the methodological aspects considered very humane.Active learning is triggered by Melvin L. Silberman. Inviting children understand what is heard in a systematic and responsible, so it reduces the action brutality and dangerous. Bullying could also be prevented by instilling faith-based education and character education.

All parties must be together to solve this problem. the violence can occur anywhere, the involvement of parents and the playing environment is very influential in dealing with these bullying actions, even the authority of the government also has a large in preventing this crime.

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